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Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal

If you start to feel some pain in the back of your mouth, around the wisdom teeth area, then it’s time to consult a dentist. This can be a real discomfort and cause a lot of pain for most people.

The next step may include having to decide whether or not you want to go through with the removal process. For many people, this is often the best treatment option since wisdom teeth can push other teeth, affecting their bite and alignment.

Considering wisdom teeth removals can be quite costly, it’s absolutely necessary for one to be properly informed about all aspects before making a decision. In this article, I’ll guide you through everything you need to know before deciding whether or not getting your wisdom teeth removed is right for you!

Why Do We Have Wisdom Teeth?

It’s a common question. Why do humans even have wisdom teeth? Some researchers believe that our distant ancestors needed the extra set of molars in order to break down tough plant matter. But why does the human body continue to produce wisdom teeth today?

The simple answer is evolution. The jaw structure of early humans was much larger than ours today — bigger jaws meant more room for extra sets of molars! As time progressed, evolution favored those with smaller jaws and thus began to reduce the size and number of teeth we have. Unfortunately, wisdom teeth were still produced because there was no other purpose for those areas of our jawbones.

They may be useless byproducts, but it’s important to remember that not all wisdom teeth cause harm or need to be removed. If you think you might have wisdom teeth, it’s best to speak with your dentist who can assess the situation and determine if they need to be extracted or left alone.

Removal of Wisdom Teeth – Is it Needed?

Wisdom tooth removal is a major decision for many people. While wisdom teeth can offer several potential benefits, such as helping to expand your bite and stabilize your jaw, there are many potential complications of leaving them in–most of which are painful and time-consuming.

The main reason why removing wisdom teeth is often necessary is because there is not enough room in the mouth to properly accommodate them. As they come in, they can cause misalignment of the rest of the teeth and force other teeth out of place. If this misalignment isn’t fixed, more serious problems like tooth decay and gum disease can occur down the line.

Also, another common issue is that wisdom teeth often stay impacted beneath the surface of the gum line, making them difficult to clean. This increases the risk of infection because bacteria may become trapped between the tooth and gum tissue–which can then lead to pain, swelling, and even facial injuries!

Finally, if wisdom teeth are not removed on time–or when they’re first felt coming in–there’s a greater chance that it could require oral surgery down the line. To avoid all these complications (and save yourself from unnecessary pain), it’s best to have one’s wisdom teeth removed during early adulthood before any major issues develop.

Preparation for Surgery

When it comes to wisdom teeth removal, preparation is key. Your dentist will go over all the necessary steps with you and make sure you are ready for your oral surgery. Before the procedure, it’s important to clean your mouth and remove any plaque. Make sure to brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss regularly. Avoid sugary snacks and drinks before your appointment, as well as smoking or drinking alcohol.

In addition to brushing and flossing, be sure to get plenty of rest in the days leading up to your surgery. On the day of surgery, wear comfortable clothes that can be easily removed for the procedure (no tight pants!) Have someone drive you there—avoid taking public transportation or riding in a taxi—and bring a friend or family member into the operating room with you if it will help ease any fears or anxiety about the procedure. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be ready for wisdom teeth removal!

Wisdom Teeth Removal Procedure

The wisdom tooth extraction or removal procedure is relatively straightforward. Your dentist or an oral surgeon will first use local anesthesia to numb the area around your wisdom teeth. They may also use lights, clamps, and dental instruments to help with the procedure.

Once you’re numb, a small incision is made in your gum tissue and possibly also in your jawbone. The wisdom teeth are then either extracted entirely or partially removed by cutting them into smaller pieces. If needed, bone or stitches may be used to close up any open areas around the tooth after it’s been removed.

Finally, gauze is placed into your mouth to help stop any bleeding that might occur following the surgery. Post-operative instructions are usually provided after the procedure so that you can ensure a smooth recovery from wisdom teeth removal.

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After Surgery and Recovery

After the wisdom teeth removal, it is important to take some time to relax and recover. Although the technical surgery may only take several minutes, the healing process can take up to two weeks or more.

The surgeon will give you care instructions detailing how best to recover after the procedure. These may include resting, drinking fluids, and eating soft foods — in order to give your mouth plenty of time to heal. You may also need to place an ice pack on your face in intervals, use warm salt water rinses, and clean with a soft toothbrush. Hours after surgery when the anesthesia begins to wear off, you may start experiencing some pain and discomfort, so pain reliever medications may be prescribed.

It is also important not to floss or brush too vigorously for at least a month after the procedure as this can disrupt your healing period and lead to infections or discomfort. The recovery period is also when patients sometimes experience dry sockets – when the blood clot that forms over the extraction site gets dislodged before it can fully heal. If this occurs, contact a dentist immediately as they must flush out the wound area with medicated gauze and then inspect for complications such as infection or debris inside the empty socket.

Refraining from engaging in strenuous activity after the operation will also help with the healing. Discuss with your dentist the kind of physical activity you may be able to do and make sure your healing is complete before returning to your normal activities.

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