Neck Liposuction – About

Neck Liposuction removes excess fatty tissue, reshaping the body contour and creating a slimmer appearance. Liposuction can be done alone, but it can also be done with other procedures such as a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty.

Neck Liposuction- Post – operative Pain

Elastic compression garments can decrease post-liposuction pain if used with the “drain in the open” technique. “Weather draining” is the technique of not closing the small incisions made during stitch liposuction to maximize the drainage of blood-tinged analgesic solutions that can cause inflammation. Immediately after surgery, elastic garments promote the maximum possible drainage of the analgesic solution in the blood, reducing pain. After drainage is complete, some patients continue to wear the compression garment to restrict movement in the treated areas. This reduces discomfort and gives a sense of security.

What can be done to minimize swelling and pain after liposuction?

Red blood cells that have escape from blood vessels, and fragments of fatty tissue that escape the suction and remain under the skin cause the inflammation. Inflammation, in turn causes swelling and pain. Much of the pain and swelling after liposuction results from the blood-tinged analgesic solution remaining trap under the skin after liposuction. Promoting complete drainage of this blood-ting solution, one can thus minimize pain and swelling after liposuction. Complete drainage is achieving by exposing the incision sites (not using stitches to close them) and wearing an elastic compression garment.

Recovery  – Will I have to stay in bed during the recovery period?

No. Patients are encourage to walk and be active after surgery. Patients undergoing liposuction under general anesthesia tend to require more time off from work and generally have a more extend recovery period. Many patients who have had tumescent liposuction under local anesthesia alone can expect to be able to function within 24 to 48 hours, and return to a normal work schedule within 24 to 72 hours.

Some patients have already had liposuction using general anesthesia and then performed additional liposuction using the tumescent technique. Most patients have commented that liposuction using the tumescent method is dramatically less painful than liposuction under general anesthesia. Infiltrating local anesthesia using the tumescent method is associating with minimal discomfort. Once the area has been entirely numb, surgery on that area is done without any pain. Also, since the local anesthetic remains in the place for more than 12 hours, there is no pain immediately after the surgery.

Why is it that tumescent liposuction under local anaesthesia is typically less painful than when performed under general anaesthesia?

Pain associated with liposuction can occur at three levels: during infiltration of the tumescent solution, during liposuction, and postoperatively.

The technique to infiltrate the tumescent anaesthetic solution requires unique courses and training. Suppose the surgeon or nurse performing the tumescent infiltration has received specialized training in the methods. In that case, the patient typically feels very little pain during the process of injecting the local analgesic. Without this type of training, surgeons will have to use general anesthesia.

After the local tumescent anesthesia has been completely insert into the fat, the liposuction that follows should cause no pain.

Finally, general anesthesia and intravenous sedatives and narcotics are relating to a high incidence of postoperative nausea, vomiting, and chills. Such symptoms are infrequent when local anaesthesia is use.

Neck Liposuction – How to Remove Neck Fat

Remove Fat

For most patients, removing facial or neck fat is the only solution to achieve a styling channel. However, going through the operating room always involves hundreds of unknowns and sometimes oversize fears.

First, let’s understand why facial or neck removal neck or jowl suction is the only alternative for some patients.

As time passes, the metabolism slows down, and it becomes more and more difficult to eliminate fat. That is when, despite exercise and a healthy diet, it accumulates in specific areas such as the hips, abdomen or jowls. When the fat is concentrating in the cheeks or neck, the person looks older than they are, and the facial contour is blur, giving the sensation that the face is joine to the rest of the body by an unsightly “lump”. Some people opt for endless aesthetic medicine treatments that can do little to solve the problem. Eliminating the fat that has settling in the neck has as its only solution the facial removal or neck suction.

The surgery is relatively quick and straightforward to recover from, although it is essential to have a surgeon train and experience in facial surgery who can remove fat and give the neck a beautiful shape.


Neck liposuction is performed under local anesthesia. Small incisions are made in the skin to introduce tumescent anesthesia. It numbs the area very quickly and allows the doctor access to the amount of fat that needs to be removed.

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