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One Health – About, Concept, Global Health Risk, and More

One Health


“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”


It requires that each person and not a patient think. And recognize the implication of daily activity. We tend to ignore many factors in this regard, both physically and mentally or socially.

For example, not getting enough rest, having unhealthy habits, not taking care of your diet or becoming obsessed frequently are actions that make up an attitude towards life. This attitude affects our health, whether we can see it or not.

It is essential to be aware of what the mental attitude can do for health and take care of and enhance said attitude.

Below are various recommendations to maintain “a healthy mind in a healthy body”, among which are:

Terms of Use Of the Service

The information provided by this means cannot, in any way, replace a direct medical care service, nor should it be used to establish diagnosis or choose a treatment in particular cases.

In this service, no reference, explicit or implicit, will be made about drugs, methods, products, etc., that will be cited solely for informational purposes.

Global Health Risks

Managing these significant global health risks, from disease control to global warming, is not possible alone and needs .The full cooperation of the animal, human, and environmental sectors. The OIE brings its animal health and welfare expertise to multisectoral partnerships. Which develop global strategies to tackle major diseases, such as antimicrobial resistance.

Throughout the organization’s work, we promote that approach, recognizing the interdependence of animal, human and environmental health. Because animals and the environment strongly depend on human activities. Because the health of animals and the environment also determine human health,. It’s everyone’s health. Together, we can find concrete solutions

How does the WHO define health?

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The quote comes from the Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, which the International Sanitary Conference adopted, held in New York from June 19 to July 22, 1946, signed on July 22, 1946, by representatives of 61 States. And entered into force on April 7, 1948. The definition has not  modify since 1948.

Where can I find information on WHO publications?

The navigation bar at the top of the WHO website has a link called ‘Publications’, which leads to an information page on WHO publications. You can access the online bookstore, information on subscriptions and information on the leading journals and magazines.

Scholarships and grants. Does WHO offer fellowships and research grants?

WHO does not have a fellowship or grant program, but there are some special WHO departments and programs that fund research. Visit the Grants page of the TDR (Tropical Disease Research) website or the Capacity strengthening page of the RHR (Reproductive Health Research) website. You can also consult the website of the WHO Regional Office to which your country belongs. The regional offices have some scholarship programs that are carried out with the cooperation of the countries’ ministries of health.

How can I request information about WHO?

WHO makes information publicly available following its Information Disclosure Policy. The Policy intends to increase the available information and phased in over two years.

Country names. Who determines the official terms of the countries?

The official designations of the WHO Member States and their relative position in the alphabetical lists are based on information received from the Member States themselves and from the United Nations.

Maps Why are the borderlines dash on some maps?

The limits and names that appear on the maps, as well as the denominations used, do not imply, on the part of the World Health Organization, any judgment on the legal status of countries, territories, cities or areas, or their authorities, nor for the drawing of its borders or limits. On maps, dashed lines roughly represent borders for which there may not be complete agreement.

I plan to travel abroad soon. Where can I find information and advice about health risks?

On the Travelers Health website, you can find information on required vaccinations, risks, and precautions depending on your destination country.

Have I received a fraudulent email?

These emails do not originate from WHO and are not related to WHO projects or events, WHO alerts the public to such deceptive practices and encourages .Those who receive invitations such as those mentioned above (whether by email or otherwise) to verify their authenticity before responding. In particular, WHO suggests that no money or personal information be sent to anyone who claims to award funds, grants, scholarships, certificates. It is not WHO’s Policy to require payment from those who participate in its meetings.


The “One Health” concept summarises an idea that has been known for more than a century  animal health, human health, and environmental health are intrinsically intertwine and interdependent.

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